24 Aug 2024
Date: 9/27-28
Location: Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, NJ
Ye Gu, PhD., Co-founder, CTO and Head of US BD for Crystal Bio
Derik McCarthy, SME
Mailisi Heshuote, Senior BD-Marketing Manager
Speech title for CMC & Outsourcing session (9/27): Leveraging High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Advanced Analytical Techniques in Biologics CMC Development
Abstract: Analytical sciences are pivotal in the development of biologics, particularly within the realm of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC). Employing phase-appropriate strategies is crucial to ensure that analyses are tailored to each stage of development. The use of advanced techniques, such as high-resolution mass spectrometry, can significantly reduce risks and prevent delays when applied effectively and timely. This presentation will delve into the application of high-resolution mass spectrometry and other state-of-the-art analytical tools throughout various stages of biologics CMC development. It will also present case studies on developability assessment, clone selection, and serum stability studies to highlight the practical impact of these techniques.
Link: https://www.sapaweb.org/ac-2024